How To Stay Healthy During the Holiday Season
With the turn of the season, this comes with many changes in the weather, workload, and overall lifestyle so it is important to keep healthy to make the most of holiday season celebrations. With flu season upon us, it is even more vital than usual to take care of our health and wellness and to make sure that we are healthy going into the new year. McKin Health has some tips and tricks that can help you stay healthy during the holiday season!
Wash Your Hands
With flu season upon us, it is important to wash our hands often to protect ourselves and those around us from germs. Illness often spreads from touching contaminated surfaces and then touching our eyes, nose, or mouth, as a result, it is important to keep our hands clean. If hand washing supplies are unavailable, having an alcohol-based hand sanitizer can be a convenient alternative.
Manage Stress
Stress makes an appearance in the daily lives of many and may feel more pronounced during the holiday season due to added pressures such as gift shopping and holiday preparations. Additionally, with the turn of the new year, one may feel more stressed due to fast-approaching deadlines or personal goals not being met. The Canadian Mental Health Association reports that more than half of Canadians experience that the holiday season negatively impacts their mental health and as a result, it is vital to manage our stress by getting an adequate amount of sleep and practicing mindfulness.
Stay Warm
With the weather becoming colder, it is important to bundle up and make sure that your living space is properly heated for the cold. Not only is it uncomfortable to be cold, but low temperatures can also actually increase the likelihood of getting sick.
Get Your Nutrients
The holidays usually come with an abundance of food and eating balanced meals can be challenging. Some may have worries about overeating or that they are not receiving the amount of nutrients that they’d like. Therefore, it is important to recognize potential nutrition gaps that one might be missing amongst the holiday cheer and take note that you are receiving the appropriate amount of nutrients for your body and immune system to function at its best!
McKin Health has an extensive collection of supplements that can assist you in keeping your health in check for the holiday season. McKin Health offers high quality Nutrition & Supplements such as LiquaCel, FiberCel and PUSH Collagen. Explore our selection of Nutrition and Supplements.